Wellbeing Campaigns

How a mental health story is told makes all the difference. A well-thought-through delivery results in a measurable positive impact for your organisation.

Versatile to engage any team, large or small, and always focused on impact.

Whether it’s a one-off online health summit or developing events over mental health week, our campaigns create opportunities for a whole organisation culture shift in wellbeing and mental health.
We achieve this through integrating interactive learning techniques and data analysis.

We work with you so that your workplace champions and guest speakers are presenting what works.

By investing time in delivering high-impact preventative mental health support, not only does your employees’ wellbeing increase, but leads to higher employee engagement and improved productivity.

Investing in your employees’ wellbeing leads to better results for the business.


If you want to discuss how we can help your business deliver better mental health support, click on the button below

73% of employees reported an increase in a sense of belonging to the organisation.

“[Habitus] …supported us with their deep knowledge and expertise in Peer Support. This alleviated our team’s fear of the risks associated with this new approach.”

– ATB Financial